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As a charitable organization, we always have a need for volunteers. We have no paid employees and without concerned and dedicated citizens like you, our effectiveness in the community will be limited.

If you and/or your company would like to participate in volunteerism as a positive teambuilding exercise and/or just as a way to give back, we would be very appreciative, and so would the youth in our Tucson community.

Your participation can be as limited or unlimited as you would like. Our task lists are set up for volunteers to network from your home on your own, and on your own schedule.

If you are interested in recruiting golfers, handing out event flyers, recruiting new sponsors, making follow-up phone calls, working on our newsletter, or volunteering on event day, we need your help.

Event day volunteerism includes: registration assistance, silent auction, 50-50 raffle, mulligan ball sale & collection, double down sale & collection, photography & video, and contest hole monitor

If you have experience in these areas, and/or are willing to learn, we would be very appreciative of your support. Please contact us!